Anti-vibration Solutions for the Industrial Market.
In the Industrial Market, the machinery vibrates and causes noise and structure-borne sound. Various types of anti-vibration mounts are used as isolators. Typical applications amongst others are Engines, Generator Sets, Crushers, Hoppers, Conveyors, Presses, Lathes, Grinders, and Exhaust Systems.
There is a series of rubber to metal bonded components for anti-vibration application from AMC Mecanocaucho in Spain. These are imported components.
Other imported components are wire rope isolators from the French company Socitec and from the UK ACTOM supplies couplings and shafts from the Ferraflex rangefrom Ferrabyrne. ACTOM has a longstanding relationship with these overseas manufacturers.
Locally manufactured rubber to metal components for these applications are made and supplied by ACTOM under the brand name Vibrex.
A selection of the products ACTOM supplies is shown below. There are many more products that are or can be supplied. For more information please Contact us.